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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Vision Source of Hugo the leading provider of vision care products and services in Hugo.

Dr. Jeff S. Edwards – Optometric Physician

Dr. Edwards graduated from Northeastern State University College of Optometry in Tahlequah, Oklahoma in 1993. He and his family moved to Hugo and purchased Dr. Floyd White’s practice in August 1993. He moved from the downtown location to his current location in 2001. In 1996 Dr. Edwards opened a satellite office in Antlers, Oklahoma. Dr. Edwards takes pride in offering state-of-the-art eye health and vision care to patients in Southeast Oklahoma and Northeast Texas.
Dr. Edwards has served in many leadership positions since moving to Hugo. He and his family are members of the Oak Grove Baptist Church.

Dr. Edwards enjoys spending time with his family. His family consists of his wife Ginny, and two children, Britni and Brian. The latest addition is his granddaughter Adison. When he is not spending time with his family he likes to be outdoors on his small farm.

Crystal Babcock, CPOA – Optometric Assistant

Crystal started her career in the optometric profession in April 1996 with Dr. Edwards. Crystal has been trained in many areas of the optometric field. Crystal is skilled in preliminary screening, contact lens insertion and removal, frame selection and fitting and administering several diagnostic tests. With these skills Crystal is able to help Dr. Edwards in any area of the office.

When Crystal is not taking care of our patient’s eyecare needs, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Robert, and children Crystan and Cody.

Ginny Edwards – Office Manager

Ginny has been working in the optometric field for more than 10 years. Ginny is wife of Dr. Edwards and is currently the office manager. Ginny is responsible for making sure the patient is completely satisfied. When not working at the office, Ginny and Dr. Edwards are traveling to visit their two children and granddaughter. Ginny loves spending time with her granddaughter, Adison. Ginny is also very involved with Oak Grove Baptist Church where she teaches 5th and 6th grade Sunday School.